10 Frugal Christmas ideas for the 2020 season

Yes I said Christmas. It's 15 weeks until the big day and I for one am very excited. I am also planning now, today, in September. Why? Because if you wait until December you will be panic buying and end out spending more than you need too and miss alot of chances for sales. 

So here are my top tips for a frugal Christmas:

1. Write down what you will be eating over about 4 weeks. Will the kids be home? Will you be home? Will we still be on lockdown? Are you hosting a lunch/ dinner/ drinks? By writing all of this down you can then keep an eye out at the stores for when things go on sale. Alcohol, dried fruit, turkey, softdrink, laundry powder. All of these things can be bought well in advance and save alot of money come December not to mention save you having to shop in peak times. 

2. The gift list. Write a list of everyone who will be receiving a gift from you. Although our family only does gifts for children i still usually get something small for the adults like a calendar or bottle of wine. Because the shops know people buy more around Christmas it may be hard to find what you want on sale. Keep an eye out for the next 3 months and when it goes on sale, snap it up!

3. Hand made gifts. Anyone who makes gifts knows that it often works out more expensive than just buying something. I went to Spotlight yesterday for a pair of scissors and walked out with over $100 worth of supplies, why? Because they had a 40% off sale and i decided that alot of my family will be getting hand made this year. By buying now i not only saved nearly $100 but it also gives me time to actually sew them. 

4. Many people go into debt over christmas because they get swept up in the hype. Plan ahead and see what you have around the house from last year. I always buy wrapping paper and decorations after christmas when they can be up to 80% cheaper! This means that this year i have a whole host of new things tucked into corners that i can pull out and see exactly what i need to buy and what i can reuse. 

5. Buy swap sell. Once you have pulled everything out and suddenly decide you don't like your color scheme or tree anymore, you go out and buy new ones right? No! Jump on your local buy swap sell and see if someone else had the same problem. You can swap trees or decorations and its completely free! Last year I got a free 6ft tree because a woman was moving house and wanted a new one. Ask around to friends and family and start a decoration swap. 

6. Second hand gifts. My son for the last few years has gotten second hand toys and clothes as gifts. He doesn't care or know the difference he just sees a present under the tree. Lego, bikes, books, ipads, game systems. All of these were last years gifts for someone who has since outgrown them. Look around and see what you can find before hitting the shops. 

7. Ask first. We have all had those gifts where we say thanks but know we will never use it or already have one. I find it very rude to return a gift even when the person gives me the receipt (I find that super odd). So before buying, ask them what they want. Simple, it might be boring but it will at least be something they actually need. Two years ago i asked for facewashers. Hey, I needed more! Not only does this mean the gift is wanted but also saves the other person money in buying it themselves. Win win. 

8. Food hampers. We have all got one. I for one didn't eat half of what was in it. Why not make a grocery hamper instead. Grab a washing basket and stock it with holiday treats. Softdrink, chips, microwave popcorn, toiletpaper, washing liquid, fruit, what ever takes your fancy. But make them things the other person would actually eat/ use over the holiday period. Again, do this gradually and hit them up when they are on sale. 

9. Have Christmas after Christmas. Not going to see someone until January? Wait for the post Christmas sales and buy their gift then. They will never know the difference.  

10. Hit the post Christmas sales. Make a list for next year. Keep a careful eye on the post Christmas sell outs and snap things up for next year when you think they are at their lowest price. Be careful I have missed this by a day sometimes. Fairy lights, lawn ornaments, paper plates, tinsel, it all flies out the door at less than 50% off. 

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